Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pictures of an Empty House

Living Room & Dining Room


Bedroom #1

Guest Bath & Bedroom #1
Master Bedroom & Bath

Upstairs Bedroom & Bath

We're In!!!

The last two weeks have been a real whirlwind.  We did our final walkthrough and signed on Friday Dec. 16. Afterward, we went by the house and took some photos (post to follow).

On Saturday, with the gracious help from E's parents, we painted the master bedroom and installed blinds.  We figured if we were ever going to paint it, it would be much easier before furniture went in.  On Sunday, we finished preparing for the move and packed up our apartment.  Sunday was our last night in the apartment and Monday was moving day!  On Monday we also had a mattress delivered and a washer and dryer, so we slept on the floor in the new house that night.  On Tuesday, we cleaned up the apartment and did the final walkthrough.  We also had furniture delivered that afternoon.  E worked Wednesday and Thursday and we tried to get boxes unpacked and the stuff we needed.  Friday we had some errands to run and E's work Christmas get-together.

Saturday was Christmas Eve.  A's mom and brother (Nancy & Brad) came up late Friday night and we had Christmas with them on Saturday morning amidst the boxes.  :)  We had a good lunch at Ramsey's and went to the afternoon church services.  Nancy & Brad traveled back to Hancock County and we spent the evening making cookies for Santa with the Hodskins kids.  :)  Sunday we traveled back to Eastern KY for Christmas with the Caudill family.  Monday we spent the day unpacking more boxes and shared a pot of Chili with our friends Judy and Amanda Harrison.  Tuesday (today), we had the TV hooked up and finally got to relax for an hour or two.  :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Flooring in the babies' bathroom.

Another shot of the kitchen.

Love the kitchen!

Ran by the house this evening and we have lights! The vinyl flooring guys were there so we got to look in. Fun! Shouldn't be long finishing.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

An update...without pictures.

We have been impressed with everything that they have accomplished this week. We have a mailbox and gutters now. They painted the arches above the garage doors and second story windows. We had to look through the windows to see the work that was done on the inside. They have painted, done trim work, molding, closet doors are hung, cabinets are in, and appliances have been delivered. We are excited about all that they have done. We are looking forward to the flooring, lighting, toilets, and tile work going in. It doesn't feel like there is much left to do...we are looking forward to getting in :)

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dining room with tray ceiling and cut out for stairway. All braced now so it's safe. :) We're happy with all the details and think it gives it character.

Upstairs room is huge. A calls it E's mancave! :)

Lots of details in bedroom #3 - the office.

Our room has a double tray ceiling. Nifty feature! :)

This photo is a little dark but the drywall is all roughed in now! Really feeling like a house. Hope the progress continues.

Really getting close to calling the outside done. Brought in topsoil and framed up drive and sidewalk last week. At grade entry was a nice surprise. There had been about a 1 ft step up, but they filled it in level. We like it.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Duct work and ventilation pipes running everywhere!

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We're glad the electricians knew what they were doing! The inside is a maze of wires.

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This has been a busy week. Finished our heating and ventilation, did the wiring. Looks like the brick work is done. Most of the siding done too. Expecting pre-dry wall walk through and then insulation this week.

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Friday, September 30, 2011

Garage Floor!

We have a concrete garage floor now! It has been marked with a "C".

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Brick work coming soon. We're getting there.
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Had a little rain over the last week. The plumbers were still making progress. Making a mess is more like it. :)
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Shingles delivered, should have a complete roof soon.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Stairway is in. Not braced yet, so E didn't test his luck. :)

Another view of the kitchen. Love the windows.

Kitchen island/bar coming together. Not much to see but this was our creation so we're proud of it. :)

Roof is on and covered in felt. Windows are in. Lots of changes inside too!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Coming right along with it. Despite a few days of rain last week they still got most of the roof on it. Delivered the staircase too. Excited to see what the coming week holds!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

Moving Day!

Friday was moving day at the Caudill's. We had a lot of stuff! Thankful to have a roof over our head though. We are blessed.
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