Monday, July 25, 2011

Now what? (Hurry up and wait...)

So after picking a lot and rushing through a seemingly endless list of choices I think we had everything picked out within two weeks.  That put the ball back in Ball's court so to speak.  They had to work up pricing, options, and plans for all of our selections.  So that gave us a few days to breathe and think about everything that had transpired. 

That reprieve lasted for about a week before luckily we were able to sign a contract to sell our house!  The whirlwind of negotiations, inspections, and so forth followed, but thankfully we haven't hit any big snags.  We're supposed to be out by August 31.  As of this point in July, we hadn't even signed our contracts yet with Ball though, we were stressed to say the least.  Finally around the 25th, we got everything worked out and signed the papers.  Crossing our fingers, they say the new one will be done December 20!  Woohoo!