Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dining room with tray ceiling and cut out for stairway. All braced now so it's safe. :) We're happy with all the details and think it gives it character.

Upstairs room is huge. A calls it E's mancave! :)

Lots of details in bedroom #3 - the office.

Our room has a double tray ceiling. Nifty feature! :)

This photo is a little dark but the drywall is all roughed in now! Really feeling like a house. Hope the progress continues.

Really getting close to calling the outside done. Brought in topsoil and framed up drive and sidewalk last week. At grade entry was a nice surprise. There had been about a 1 ft step up, but they filled it in level. We like it.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Duct work and ventilation pipes running everywhere!

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We're glad the electricians knew what they were doing! The inside is a maze of wires.

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This has been a busy week. Finished our heating and ventilation, did the wiring. Looks like the brick work is done. Most of the siding done too. Expecting pre-dry wall walk through and then insulation this week.

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